It would be impossible to list everything Allure can provide for your business.
If you need it, chances are we can find it.
Towels, Tissues & dispensers Folded and rolled paper towels, bath tissue, facial tissue, wipers, seat covers and dispensers.
Professional Cleaning Chemicals Carpet care, hard floor care, odor control, sanitizers, disinfectants, degreasers, warewashing, laundry and more.
Liners & Containers Linear low and high density, biodegradable, food, healthcare, laundry and more.
Safety Products Latex, Vinyl & Nitrile gloves.
Facilities Maintenance Mops, brooms, buckets, wringers, window washing tools, floor care, cleaning carts, microfiber cloths and more.
Skin Care Products Antiseptic hand soaps, anti-microbial hand soaps, heavy-duty hand cleaners, waterless hand cleansers, instant hand sanitizers and more.
Foodservice Disposables Food containers and lids, cups and lids, cutlery, straws & stirrers, Napkins, carryout container, bags and more.

Dinnerware China, Melamine, Glass, Plastic, Porcelain, Wood, Metal and tabletop accessories.
Beverage ware Glass, Crystal, Mugs, Novelty beverage, Melamine and more.
Flatware Forks, Knives, Spoons.
Kitchen Supplies Bowls, Mixers, Chef Knives, Graters, Funnels, Serving utensils, whips and more.
Cookware Fry Pans, Sauce pans, Stock pots, Kitchen hand tools, cutting boards, squeeze bottles and more.
Food Storage Polycarbonate and Polyethylene Food storage containers and lids.
…and we carry thousands of more products. * click here to go to Allure’s products website.